Email: wisecuhktemp [at] gmail [dot] com

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about us

WISE@CUHK is a non-profit salon-like platform for knowledge exchanges among peers. Established in January 2021, we are proactively looking for student lecturers with expertise in specific areas, and student audiences passionate about learning something new!

Please move to our new website to subscribe to our event notifications, or join the dicussion in the web forum.

upcoming events

past topics

For some tutorials, although we are willing to provide video recordings, for privacy concerns we do not make them publicly available. Please approach us for retrieval.


The list below contains people who gave talks, offered suggestions, or provided something constructive. Prior consents are obtained to publish the names. We are honoured to have them contributing to WISE.

contact us

Our primary contact is wisecuhktemp [at] gmail [dot] com. Please reach us via Telegram Group if you wish to join the discussion with us.